Lyrics to Virtual Baby Bounce songs and rhymes 4/1/2021

Hi friends! You can find all the lyrics to the rhymes and songs performed in this Virtual Baby Bounce below. All songs with individual videos have hyperlinked titles.

The Good Morning Train:

The Good Morning Train is coming
How are you? Choo-choo!
The Good Morning Train is coming
How are you? Choo-choo!
The Good Morning Train is coming
The Good Morning Train is coming
The Good Morning Train is coming
How are you? Choo-choo!


My dame has lost her shoe
My master’s lost his fiddle stick
And knows not what to do

What is my dame to do
Till master finds his fiddle-stick
She’ll dance without her shoe

Days of the Week:
To the tune of the Addams Family Theme Song

There’s Sunday and there’s Monday
There’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday
There’s Thursday and there’s Friday
And then there’s Saturday
Days of the week
Days of the week
Days of the week, days of the week
Days of the week

Slowly, Slowly:

Slowly, slowly, very slowly
Went the garden snail
Slowly, slowly, very slowly
Up the garden rail

Quickly, quickly, very quickly
Went the little mouse
Quickly, quickly, very quickly
To his little house

I Dropped My Scarf:
To the tune of “Pick It Up” by Woody Guthrie

I dropped my scarf
Pick it up, pick it up
I dropped my scarf
Pick it up, pick it up
I dropped my scarf
Pick it up, pick it up
And put it on my shoulders

Pick, pick, pick
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick, pick, pick
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick, pick, pick
Pick it up, pick it up
And put it on my shoulders

Fish Are Swimming:
To the tune of “Frere Jacques”

Fish are swimming
Fish are swimming
In the sea, in the sea
A-splishing and a-splashing
A-splishing and a-splashing
Look and see, look and see

1, 2, 3, Baby’s On My Knee:

1, 2, 3,
Baby’s on my knee
Rooster crows
And away she goes!

Tap Your Sticks and Wave Your Hands:

Tap your sticks and wave your hands
Tap your sticks and wave your hands
Tap your sticks and wave your hands
Here at the library

Tap your sticks and stomp your feet
Tap your sticks and stomp your feet
Tap your sticks and stomp your feet
Here at the library

Tap your sticks and nod your head
Tap your sticks and nod your head
Tap your sticks and nod your head
Here at the library

Bang Bang Bang:
To the tune of “The Farmer In the Dell”

Bang bang bang bang bang shhhhhhh
Bang bang bang bang bang shhhhhhh
Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
Bang bang bang bang bang

Polly Put the Kettle On:

Polly put the kettle on
Polly put the kettle on
Polly put the kettle on
We’ll all have tea

Sukie take it off again
Sukie take it off again
Sukie take it off again
They’ve all gone home

Shake Them Very Slowly:

Shake them very slowly
slowly, slowly
As quickly as you can
As quickly as you can

Shake them very softly,
Softly, softly
As loudly as you can
As loudly as you can

Shake them up high
Shake them down low
Set them down
by your toe

The More We Get Together:

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be.