Goodbye, Rebel Blue by Shelly Coriell

  1. Jump into a taxi and scream “Follow that car!”
  2. Go for a job interview at the Pork Shop and answer all the questions in Pig Latin.
  3. Vacuum a magic carpet
  4. Shoot a flaming arrow
  5. Buy a hundred Polly Pockets and send them to needy children in Africa

It’s a bucket list.  The bucket list that Rebel Blue is forced to write while in detention with Kennedy Green.  Perky, preppy, selfless cheerleader Kennedy Green.  Who dies the day after being in detention with Rebel.  In a strange twist of fate, Rebel ends up with Kennedy’s bucket list, which is full of good deeds and self-sacrifice.  Rebel decides that she should complete Kennedy’s list as best she can, even if it means doing things she never imagined herself doing, like joining a club at school, running, and falling in love.