11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass

Have you ever had a bad day?  Wouldn’t it be great if you could relive that day over and over and over again?  No?!  Why not?  That’s what happens to Amanda on her eleventh birthday.  She has to go through the day that ended her friendship with Leo, her best friend over and over again.  Maybe on the second or third time through she can make things right.

REVISED: Amanda’s birthday stunk this year.  Her locker got locked shut.  She forgot her lunch at home.  She’s forced to wear a costume picked out by her mom AND she gets in a fight with her best friend.  At the end of the day the only thing Amanda is looking forward to is starting a new day.  But when her alarm goes off in the morning, she slowly realizes that she’s woken up on her eleventh birthday AGAIN.