Kizzy Ann Stamps by Jeri Watts

"Dear Miss Anderson, My teacher, Mrs. Warren, says I have to write to you, and when Mrs. Warren says to do something, you do it. She has taught at the black school for thirty-seven years. My daddy does what she says, the preacher does what she says, and you’d better believe I do what she says. And she said that in the spirit of working together, all us black kids should write you letters over the summer so you can get to know us a bit before we start at the white school in September."

This is the first part of the first letter Kizzy Ann Stamps writes to her new teacher. She’ll be one of the first students to go to an integrated school – one where black and white children go to school together and she isn’t sure what to expect. She does know that with her loyal border collie Shag by her side she can face anything.