I Love My Colorful Nails by Alicia Acosta and Luis Amavisca

Ben loves to have colorful nails. They make him cheerful and he he likes to share this activity with his mom and his friends. But when Ben goes to school, some of the boys make fun of him. Will Ben ever feel safe with his colorful nails? Alicia Acosta and Luis Amavisca have created a beautiful (though overly simplified) feminist story, pushing back against overly restrictive gender stereotypes. No one is being hurt by Ben's colorful nails, but he is bullied for them. While there is no real solution given to the problem of bullying, there is support shown by Ben's parents and classmates. Gusti's pen and watercolor illustrations are overly large and full of life and color. The double spread illustrations are so vibrant that you feel like you can sink into them. A fun addition to a children's collection (though one that should be supplemented with anti-bullying books).

Thanks to Nube Ocho and Consortium Book Sales for the copy!