We had some good clean fun with messes and mud in storytime this week.


We read Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion and The Pigeon Needs a Bath by Mo Willems.

Pigeon went over a little better than Harry, though my preschool kids did really enjoy Harry and predicting what would happen to him.


A few years ago I made a Dini Dinosaur flannelboard that I reused for this storytime!

Once I explained how it would work (basically by showing an example and asking questions right away), the kids loved it.  They liked telling him what piece of clothing he had to take off to get clean and scolding him: "Silly Dini Dinosaur! Don't you know?!"


We used our shakers and pretended to clean up as we listened to "Oh My Goodness, Look at This Mess!" by Sweet Honey in the Rock.  LOVE this song.


For our craft, we glued pigs to a piece of construction paper and gave them a mud bath!  I prepared the mud using coffee grounds, water, and a little bit of brown tempera paint.  It was fast, quick, relatively clean, and satisfied everyone.