Libraries 2016

National Library Week has come and gone again.  We celebrated in storytime by reading books guessed it....libraries!


We read The Midnight Library by Kazuno Kohara and Book! Book! Book! by Deborah Bruss, illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke.

These are both so awesome.  I read Book! Book! Book! first and the kids all had a great time helping me make the animal noises.  The Midnight Library is sweet and adorable and a nice quieting down book.


I made some animal finger puppets to go along with the story I Brought My Frog to the Library by Eric A. Kimmel.  So I told the story and used the puppets to show the crazy stuff all of the animals do in the library.  It really is one of the best books to use for a puppet play.


We listened to a new one for me: "Library Song" by Tom Chapin.  

I like the slow start, then the peppy beat after.  We kind of stretched and woke up and then marched in place (I've been kind of obsessed with marching in place lately, not sure why).


For our craft we made BOOKWORMS!  How cute are these??!!  I just got back from PLA when we did this and so my brain was a working.  I decided that we'd glue the pom-poms on and then do an action song that I "learned" at a PLA session.  It worked like a charm.

The song was "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" (which obviously I knew, but not with these awesome actions.  We did the sign for monkey, jumped up and down and then fell down like the monkey, shouted for the doctor, and more.  The session was on incorporating more physical activity into storytime and the presenters had compiled a bunch of different physical activity ideas that tie into books on their website Read and Reach.  I definitely recommend that you check that out!